Blender 2.75 available!

  • July 2nd, 2015

Yesterday, the Blender Foundation released the 2.75 version of Blender and it's already available on SheepIt render farm.

Look at the release announcement:
Blender Foundation and the developer community are proud to present the official Blender 2.75 release.
The main highlights of this release are:
* Blender now supports a fully integrated Multi-View and Stereo 3D pipeline
* Cycles has much awaited initial support for AMD GPUs, and a new Light Portals feature.
* UI now allows font previews in the file browser.
* High quality options for viewport depth of field were added
* Modeling has a new Corrective Smooth modifier.
* The Decimate modifier was improved significantly.
* 3D viewport painting now supports symmetry and the distribution of Dynamic Topology was improved
* Video Sequence Editor: Placeholders can now replace missing frames of image sequences
* Game Engine now allows smoother LOD transitions, and supports mist attributes animation

Official announcement

Presently, SheepIt-renderfarm supports Blender 2.65a, 2.66a, 2.67b, 2.68a, 2.69, 2.70a, 2.71, 2.72b, 2.73a, 2.74 and now 2.75.
You can see all binaries available on this page: binaries.

Update on July, 8th, the same day as 2.75a we also add it to SheepIt.

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