Blender 3.0 is available!

  • December 4th, 2021

The Blender Foundation released the 3.0.0 version of Blender yesterday and it's already available on SheepIt Render Farm.

This version brings a lot of cool features, checkout the Official announcement.

Be aware that AMD cards are not supported yet. Blender has removed the open cl method and is now using HIP. This new method will be supported by Sheepit when Blender 3.1 will be released.

Since there are major changes between Blender 2.9x and 3.0, an upgrade of the client is needed to render Blender 3.0 projects, you can find the latest version of the client on the get started page.

You can see all binaries available on this page: binaries.

To celebrate this milestone, from December 6th 3pm CET to December 12th 11pm CET, projects will cost nothing.
Don't worry, renderers will still get points.

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