5 millions rendered frames!

  • July 5th, 2015

We are very proud to announce that the 5,000,000th image has been rendered this week!

Thanks to you, renderers, who made this possible!

For the stats lover here are some:
* 5,021,894 rendered frames
* 61 years 90 days of cumulated render time
* 22,700 projects created
* 154,000 user sessions created
Also some charts:  

We never stop making improvements to the service.
Since the 4,000,000th event we added some nice features:
* We are working on supporting compositing on single frame project, it's not completed but it will be done in the next week.
* We did a lot of optimization on the server backend to handle more renderers. It used to only handle an average of 120 simultaneous renderers ,now it can handle more than few hundreds
* You can help us by donating. We are accepting paypal, bitcoin and dogecoin. Go on the donation page for more information.

We would also like to thank Paul Szajner (aka Sozap) who agreed to share his frame.
It's part of a very nice animation that will be finished very soon.

If you want to have your image as the next event illustration, simply contact us via the form on the website, tell us the image's project.

Edit: February 2017, Here the video and making of

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