Blender 2.79 available!

  • September 12th, 2017

The Blender Foundation released the 2.79 version of Blender today and it's already available on SheepIt render farm.

Look at the release announcement:
Blender Foundation and the developer community are proud to present the official Blender 2.79 release.
The main highlights of this release are:
* Denoiser
* PBR Shader
* Shadow Catcher
* Filmic Color Management
* Faster AMD OpenCL
* Over 700 bugs fixed
* And much more!

Official announcement

Presently, SheepIt-renderfarm supports Blender 2.70a, 2.71, 2.72b, 2.73a, 2.74, 2.75a, 2.76b, 2.77a, 2.78c and now 2.79.
You can see all binaries available on this page: binaries.

Edit: March, 6th 2018: 2.79a is also available!

Edit: March, 27th 2018: 2.79b is also available!

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